Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Herding Cats

For the last couple of weeks I've been working as a substitute teacher. I've mostly tried to work in the elementary schools rather than the middle or high schools. Generally, I love working with the little kids, but not today. Here is a list of what we did in kindergarten today:

Ran with scissors.
Punched our seat buddy.
Jumped from desk to desk.
Stood between the computers on the desk.
Jumped off of the computer desk.
Tried to climb out the window. Twice.
Screamed at the top of our lungs.
Kicked our seat buddy.
Talked over the teacher.
Yelled over the teacher.
Ran down the hallway.
Yelled in the hallway.
Yelled WHILE running down the hallway.
Locked someone in a locker.
Hid under the desks.
Hid under a bookshelf.
Took things that did not belong to us.
Threw crayons.
Sat on someone's head.
Lost recess privileges.
Gained recess back.
Lost it again.
Missed library time because we were not behaving.
Got yelled at by the librarian.

And then we went home. And I got to write a three page sub report to the teacher. Sweet.

Hope your day was a little less... shrill than mine.

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