Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Fish Tale 2

Today is a sad day... Tea Time, one of my new little goldfish has gone to the ocean in the sky... I only had him for 10 days.

Ever since we got him into that little plastic bag at the store, he seemed to have some strange behaviors. His butt end seemed to be floating, tiping him upside down so he would float about with his tail in the air. When I looked this up on the internet, it said that it was a problem with his swim bladder. It said that this could be because of over feeding, so I made sure to feed them only tiny amounts at a time. The floating issue seemed to resolve itself and I put him and the other new goldfish into the big tank.

Both Tea Time and Snacks seemed to be doing really well in the big tank for the next couple of days, and Lunch was behaving normally. Everything was going well... Or so I thought.

Today I came home to have AV tell me that Tea Time was no longer. He was sunk at the bottom of the tank, not breating or moving.

To make matters worse, Lunch and Snacks have been behaving strangely since then. They've been lying on the bottom of the tank, only moving slightly and appearing to breathe very little. After I fed them, Snacks seemed to be doing a little better, nosing around in the gravel and swiming about, but Lunch is still very sedated... I'm not sure what that means but it's making me nervous.

I'm really hoping that I don't wake up tomorrow morning to an empty tank, but I don't know that there's anything I can do at this point. I thought that maybe the levels in the tank were off (pH, ammonia, nitrates ect) but I have no way to test it. AV and I went to KMart and the grocery store but they didn't have anything and the next closest store is over a half hour away.

So, if you would be so kind, throw out a little good wish for my poor fishies... I've become attached and I really really really don't want them to croak :(

All my love, fishies. Please don't make me pick your dead carcasses out of the tank tomorrow before work...


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