Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Mousebreath, ooh-ha-ha!

I received a gift the other day. A gift in the form of a small, convulsing mouse carcass. Which, of course, as a good mama-kitty I had to "eat". Yumm...

I was having a boring/indecisive day yesterday. I looked at my credit card statement for this month. We bought some furniture so my statement is twice, almost three times, the size it normally is and that makes me nervous. So I determined that this is not a good month for me to go and pick up random stuff from the fabric store (cue sad face). That decided, my main plan of the day (running errands) was out of the picture and I had nothing to do.

I did some house chores and sat down on the couch in the living room to read a book. Kelly came to visit me a couple of times, hopping into my lap, shedding, and drooling happily all over the couch. Having fulfilled his "touch me now" quota of the day, he left the couch and sprawled across the floor.

I was absorbed in my book when I heard a small chirp/click/mew noise. When I looked at Kelly, he was staring sleepily across the living room. I folded down the footrest on the couch to see... Daniel.

He was standing in the middle of the room with something in his mouth. A toy, but not one I had seen before. No, not a toy, a frog? How did a frog get in my house? Wait... Frogs don't have tails....

As I started to stand, he dropped the thing in his mouth onto the floor. I realized the "in his mouth thing" was not a toy or a frog but a probably traumatized, definitely injured, probably dead field mouse.

Like the good cat mother I am, I cooed and thanked Daniel for his lovely gift, all the while screaming
"OMG EWEWEWEWEW" in my head. I scurried to the laundry room in search of a paper towel to clean up the used-to-be mouse. I moved as fast as I could since I wasn't sure if the mouse was or was not going to reincarnate itself in the middle of my living room and take up residence within my couch cushions.

I removed the thing from the carpet and, still cooing thanks to Daniel, I took it out to the trash. When I came back inside both Kelly and Daniel were intently studying a small area of carpet. Of course this made me slightly nervous, but since I couldn't see anything there I slowly went back to reading my book.

Our darling Daniel apparently has some secret skills.

The proud hunter, Mousebreath

Mousebreath, ooh-ha-ha!


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