Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Nope, Nope!

Quick recap: AV and I went to Grand Rapids to see the fireworks and We the Kings in (free!!) concert for the Fourth of July.

We couldn't actually SEE hardly any of the fireworks though, because whoever was in charge thought that low exploding fireworks would work out a-okay. Sure, those would be superb in a big 'ole field. Too bad they were less than spectacular in the middle of a sea of office buildings. Any-hoo... After the concert there was, as we found out later, a shooting in a nearby parking lot. The streets were clogged with traffic, ambulances, police cars, and pedestrians so we decided to wander around for a bit before attempting to get back to the car.

Grand Rapids isn't all that big of a city and, at close to midnight on the Fourth of July, there wasn't much open. There were a few bars near where we were but AV had to work the next day so we couldn't go for drinks or anything, so we just wandered. I didn't want to go too far from the city center late at night and we ended up at the courthouse. Lights were on in the lobby and AV thought it looked interesting so we headed over.

We peeped in the windows and I pointed out all the illuminated red "Exit" signs at the stairwells. We stood around for a bit at the corner (the courthouse is on an intersection) and, since I was only wearing a tank-top, I complained about being cold. AV stood behind me and started picking on me.

He grabbed me in a backward bear-hug and while I wiggled and squirmed and complained of the cold, he pulled out a ring.

"Will you marry me?"

I snatched up the ring, and, like the difficult child I am, I chirped out "Nope!"


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