Wednesday, July 20, 2011

US $18.000,000!


I  receive your name from my government of (country I have never been to, and ususally haven't heard of). Recently your relative (name not even remotely similar to me or my family ancestory) died/was killed in unfortunate accident/was lost in natural disastor. S/he placed a large amount of money, US $18.000,000 (what number is this even? Why are there periods and commas in it?) in my bank and listed you in her/his will. To collect your money, all I need from you is your name, address and phone number (but.. if I was really listed in their will, wouldn't you have AT LEAST my name???).

I look forward to work with you!

(Totally gibberish looking foreign name with no contact information)

I am so unlucky.... This month alone, I have lost a "relative" to the Japanese tsunami, old age, old age again, and possibly kidnapping. But on the upside, apparently I will be receiving millions of (US!) dollars because I was in their will/no one was specified as benificiary.

I wonder what I should buy first?? Maybe a yaht? Ohh, how about a vacation home, or three? Private jet? I just don't even know how to start spending these millions!

I'm sure handing out my social security number, bank account number, routing number, and sending them a check for "transaction costs" is totally legit. What could possibly go wrong???


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