Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Air > Water... Apparently

AV and I went to visit my college roommate over Labor Day weekend. Friday afternoon we went to the Auburn Cord Duesenburg Museum in Auburn, Indiana. They had a fabulous collection of original and restored automobiles. Some of those vehicles were over a hundred years old, which was pretty fantastic in itself.

My college roommate lives on a lake in Northern Indiana and we spent the day on Saturday out on the water. I got to go out on a jet-ski, which was AWESOME. The only problem, which I did not realize until later, was the fact that I apparently don't really know how to RIDE a jet-ski...

Through a combination of not knowing what I was doing, trying not to fall off, and trying to go as fast as physically possible, I ended up with horribly sore thighs and knees the rest of the weekend. This wasn't really a big deal... except for when I had to use the bathroom. Toilet seats are much lower than you would think they are....

While I was burning through gas on the jet-ski, everybody else was out tubing. This  was actually the reason I was on the jet-ski... we had a few too many people for the boat's capacity so I reluctantly* agreed to hold off on tubing.

After an hour or so, a couple of my roommate's friends switched with me on the jet-ski and I took a turn out on the tubes.

Let's set the scene here.... My roommate grew up on the lake, so things like tubing are kind of boring. This means that we had five tubes being pulled behind the boat at any one time. And the boat was being driven by a mad-man. I'm sure his intention wasn't murder, but it was something very close...

Somehow I ended up upside-down under somebody else's tube... Like a little tumble weed, I flipped end over end and almost lost my pants. And yes, while water was being sucked up my nose, I was thinking about what I was going to do if my pants went "peace-out". I also learned an important lesson... my lungs don't appreciate lake water. At all. Like to the point that I spent the next fifteen minutes almost puking.


I couldn't keep up this extremely sexy persona all weekend though, Sunday and Monday were pretty cold and rainy.

Oh well, there's always next year!


*Yeah, like a dog "reluctantly" eats that sandwich you just accidentally dropped on the floor.

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