Monday, September 12, 2011

Bubble Wrap Attack!

So I thought I should do a little follow up on the other day's post.

Kelly is really into bubble wrap for some reason.... I mean REALLY into it. To the point where I have to hide it now because he knows what it is.

I'm not sure what he's doing when he's biting at it. I'm assuming he's actually trying to pop the bubbles but that'd be kind of weird since he is a cat, but I guess you never know. He gets really agressively into it. He jumps around and chompity chomps all of the bubbles.

I don't really care that he's doing this, but I'm not certian that he's not eating the little bits of plastic he's biting off. If it were just a couple of pieces I wouldn't be worried, it's indigestable and it'll just pass through eventually, but I think he has probably eaten a good couple of ounces of plastic at this point.

Because of this behaviour we currently have a sheet of bubble wrap on top of the fridge, one hidden in a closet and one sitting on top of a coat rack.

I also had to hide a box the other day because there was bubble wrap INSIDE of it and Kelly was busily attempting to get the box open so he could eat it. I know that's what he was attempting to do because the box was filled with newly washed dishes and the box itself had been out of the floor the other day and he didn't even pay attention to it.

And for those of you who are going to start pointing fingers and claiming I'm a bad cat-mother and Kelly's doing this because I don't feed him, you have to stop listening to Jame-o. He LIES. A LOT. They have never been without food for more than 12 hours and yet Jame-o starts flipping out whenever the dish isn't completely full. So, no, Kelly is NOT starving and he has no reason to be munching on all this plastic.

He also has no reason to be munching on tin foil which is apparently what he did after I hid all of the bubble wrap. I had a folded up square of tin foil in the living room (there is a reason for this and it's not that I'm storing it in there) and when AV and I came back from dinner the living room was strewn with little bits of silver foil.

Thanks, cat, thanks a lot.

So now I have to make sure all bubble wrap is hidden as well as any tin foil. Maybe I should just get a really giant plastic hampster ball so Kelly can run around and not get himself into so much trouble... But then again he might just try to eat it. Or possibly just shread it.


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