Wednesday, September 14, 2011

You Know You're a REAL Pet Owner When:

You have ever cut a trip short because your pet might be lonely.
You have decided against a trip because your pet wasn't welcome.
You go to daycare and playdates but have no children
It takes at least two sticky roller sheets to get the hair off of your clothes. And there's still hair you can't get out.
You know what a sticky roller is.
You have found pet hair strange places like your trunk, the pockets of your clothes, or on your underwear.
You sit on the edge of chairs because there's already somebody else sitting there.
You don't move the "somebody else".
You recount stories of the time your pet had the hiccups.
You find stories of other people's hiccuping pets humorous.
There are treats or cookies in your house that aren't for human consumption.
You have ever bought a Christmas/Hanukkah/birthday present for your pet.
Your cellphone's camera is mainly used to photograph your pet.

Your response to an "accident" on the carpet is no longer "Eww!" but "Ugh. Not again."

Not that I would know ANY of this from personal experience....


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