Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I am ecstatic! Of our cats, Jesse James is absolutely my favorite. He's got a great personality and he's totally a Mama's Boy. When he was little he used to sleep in bed with me every night and he'd sit on the couch with me when I'd do homework or watch TV. He kind of grew out of it though, like a teenager who has decided his parents aren't the rockstars he used to believe they were.

The "I'm not a fan of my mom" stage grew into a full blown "I absolutely hate my mom" stage when we brought Daniel Boone home. We were totally heartbroken at Jess's reaction to Dannie because, based on their individual personalities, we thought they would be besties. We purposely introduced Jess to Dannie first because of this fact, but when we brought them together Dannie was pretty normal (for a guy that used to live somewhere else) and Jess flipped his sh-t. He fluffed out, hissed, growled, and fled.

We've been dealing with that fall-out for months. Slowly though, Dannie has been getting more excited, friskier. He's been chasing everybody else and thundering through the house. About a month ago we caught Jesse and Dannie playing together. Roughhousing and chasing each other through the house.

This weekend Jame-o hopped into my lap as I was watching TV! This was the first time he has willingly done this since before we moved. The love is returning!! And today he came up and sat next to me even though Dannie is also sitting here. I don't know what's going on in his little furry brain, but either he's bonding with Dannie or he has determined that he's not a threat.

The last hurdle is to get Jess to sleep on the bed again. If he comes over when Dannie is already there, he freaks out and leaves. Slowly but surely I'm getting my favorite orangie back!


In other news, I have a mosquito bite on my cheek (face not ... the other one). I'm disappointed the bugs popped out so quickly, but I guess it's the price I have to pay for sunshine and warm weather.

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