Friday, April 1, 2011

It didn't look like that in the picture!

Houses seem to be like MySpace. Just because the profile picture is nice, doesn't mean that the house will look like that in person. Today I looked at a house that looked like a beautiful Victorian that was painted black and white (the one below), when I arrived to take a look at it today it was definitely dark beige with green accents.

Example Of MySpace Angle at work (not recommended for those still believing in honest profile pictures).

The first house I looked at had only 4 pictures, I guess that should have been a clue in there. If you use a low enough resolution camera then all that peeling paint and water damage blend right in.

Searching for houses online definitely gives the houses the benefit of the doubt. It seems to me that hi res pictures just do not exist on reality sites. Every cheap house has benefited from a low mega pixel camera.

My humble request, reality sites should have nice resolution pictures and lots of them. Especially a picture of that thing you are calling a bathroom in the basement (like the random toilet in the middle of the basement we saw today). We would have saved a good hour in searching with a realtor just knowing which houses would never work.

House hunting continues slowly but surely, one bad picture at a time.

PS from Red - Too bad the reality sites also don't have a line stating "This house smells really, really, ridiculously bad. For serious." Or maybe just check boxes for items such as: "Smells like cat piss" "Something might have died in here" and "Mothballs are a valid form of deodorizing".

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