Thursday, March 31, 2011

We would like to extend to you a special offer....

Lately I have been receiving TONS of email and junk mail from wedding vendors because I went to a bridal show. Mostly I just kind of skim it and "go, yep, I live in a different state"* and trash it. It is very much starting to get obnoxious and I'm pretty sure three years from now they're still going to be sending me this junk. But, hey whatever, go ahead and waste your time. All in all, it really hasn't bothered me too much until today.

Today I received a letter and coupons from a place that offers "Medical Weight Loss". I am LIVID. I did not approach or speak to any weight loss "vendors" or booths. I have NEVER signed up for any weight loss emails, newsletters, ect. There is NO reason for this company to assume that I might need their services. If you would like to lose some weight for your wedding or for some other reason, that's awesome, more power to you. But this was not a targeted mailing, this was a blanket mailing sent out to (I'm assuming) everyone who attended the bridal show.

Obviously the bridal show has proceeded to distribute (or sell) my personal information. Or, at the very least, my current address. I am not okay with this. I am even less okay with the fact that I am receiving mailings telling me, essentially, that I am not good enough the way I am. NOBODY should be receiving letters like this. "Hey, you're totally stressed about your wedding and seeing all your new in-laws, and P.S. you're FAT!"

All I can say is if I start get letters about plastic surgery for "your upcoming wedding" somebody's going to start losing body parts. And it's not going to be me.


*I went to a bridal show in my hometown but I don't live there anymore

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