Thursday, June 23, 2011

Late Night Infomercials: The CatSwatter

Scene set in generic kitchen. Frustrated woman stands at center, swatting at flying insects
Announcer: Do you have an insect problem? Are you still using a dirty old fly-swatter? Those are covered in germs! Yuck! Woman throws down fly-swatter

Announcer: What you need is a brand new CatSwatter! Box appears on floor at woman's feet CatSwatter is a hands-free insect destroying machine! Just open the box and away it goes! Woman opens box, cat emerges No assembly required! No more chasing insects around your house, CatSwatter does it for you! Cut to cat chasing insects No more messy bug splatters, CatSwatter cleans up after itself! Cut to cat chewing then cleaning face

Scene returns to generic kitchen. Happy family stands with cat sitting on counter top 
Announcer: 100% effective!

Family: Thanks CatSwatter!

Announcer: Reads quickly as text scrolls across screen. Extensive additional maintenance and long term care required. All directions must be followed. CatSwatter INC not responsible for additional costs associated with product. Not all CatSwatters will behave identically. Effectiveness not guaranteed.


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