Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Read to me!

As I said before, I volunteer on Tuesdays and Wednesdays with elementary school students who need help reading. I've been working with my Tuesday Reading Buddy since September or so. When we started he had a lot of difficulty and he still isn't too enthused about reading in general.

The half hour reading slot goes like this: he complains, he refuses to read any of the books I have picked out, he picks another book, he whines about it again, he reads the book, takes the online test on it, then complains some more about having to read another book. And repeat repeat repeat. But, TODAY he actually got right into reading! WE READ THREE BOOKS TODAY!!!! I am so proud and excited!!!

And to top it off, this March is reading month so they've been writing down the titles of the books they read and posting them in the library. He likes to draw little pictures on the papers with the titles. When I asked him if he liked art he said "yeah and I'm really good at it". Then he told me that "when I grow up I want to be a writer. A writer and a drawer because I want to draw books."

THIS IS THE GREATEST EVER!! I am so very proud! Congratulations little Reading Buddy, you're doing TOTALLY AWESOME!!


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