Monday, August 29, 2011

Cinderella Kitty Does His Chores: For REALs

Today I mopped the basement. It's awful down there, especially after all the work we've been doing. It's just dusty and there are dirty footprints everywhere. So I scrubbed, scrubbed, scrubbed. Of course I didn't do this alone.

Kelly is BIG on helping.

He likes to help in the bathroom: "What are you doing on that seat? Is there something IN there? CAN I SEE??"

He likes to help in the kitchen: "What are you doing up there? Can I touch that??"

He likes to help in the bedroom: "Are you asleep? Are you awake now? What are you doing in there? Can I sit there? Play with me?"

He likes to help in the office: "What are you looking at? Can I sit up there? Can I touch that? Can I do what you're doing? Play with me?"

But mostly, Kelly likes to help mop the floors. He likes to chase the mop back and forth and jump on it. But of course it's wet and when he touches it he freaks out and runs and hides. After nursing his "wounds" he likes to come back and watch some more.

Kelly's FAVORITE thing to do is lay on the wet floors after they've been mopped. I HATE that he does this. Not only does it screw up the clean floor, but it also gets cleaning products all over him. I use Lysol or Fabuloso, it's diluted in the water but that doesn't mean that little children should be in it. The problem is in the fact that he has to clean himself after he sprawls out in the dampness. This always makes me nervous because I don't want him to get sick from the chemicals.

If I try to get him out of the way he hides where I can't get him. If I CAN manage to get him out of where I'm working, he sneaks back in when the floor is ALMOST dry.... but not quite.

He's really not as helpful as he likes to think he is.


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