Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Daniel "Obsessive Compulsive" Boone

Daniel Boone is a good little buddy* but he has one super weird habit. He appears to be slightly obsessive compulsive when it comes to being held.

Unlike Jame-o, Dannie CANNOT be held like a baby. If he even starts to think that you're going to turn him upside down he starts getting upset. But the real weirdness comes when you pick him up to hold him. He likes to be held where he can put his front feet on your shoulder. Your LEFT shoulder. If you pick him up pointing to the right, he will push off of you, turn around, and snuggle up to the left side.

I think he might have some localized hip or back problems on the one side so he gets pinched or something when you hold him "wrong".

Or possibly he's just a little OCD kitty.

I'll probably never know since he doesn't speak English and I have yet to figure out what "MRAH!" means.


*except for when he is peeing on the floor, at which point he is an a**hole

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