Monday, August 29, 2011

Cinderella Kitty Does His Chores

Cinderella Kitty is the first to wake every morning. He has many, many chores to do. When the sun begins to rise, he slowly opens his eyes and gets ready for his day.

Cinderella Kitty rises with the sun.

First, Cinderella Kitty heads into the bathroom. His ugly brothers are very dirty and he has to scrub and scrub and scrub the tub. Even though Cinderella Kitty has worked very hard, when his brothers see the newly cleaned bathroom, they tell him it is not good enough! So, Cinderella Kitty sighs and gets back to work while his brothers watch him and make sure he does the job to their liking.

Cinderella Kitty's brothers watch him work.

After cleaning the bathroom, Cinderella Kitty wakes up his Uncle and begins his work on laundering the linens. Cinderella Kitty's Uncle is very particular and likes to inspect all of Cinderella Kitty's work. The sheets must be done just-so or Cinderella Kitty must re-do them.

Cinderella Kitty's Uncle inspects the laundry

Next, Cinderella Kitty starts working on making lunch for his brothers and uncle. He makes a delicious meat pizza and watches as everyone eats.

Cinderella Kitty watches as everyone eats the delicious food he has made.

Cinderella Kitty is not allowed to eat with his brothers and uncle. He eats alone after everyone else is done. They have eaten all of the pizza so Cinderella Kitty makes himself some toast and reads a magazine.

Cinderella Kitty reads a magazine as he eats alone.

 After lunch, Cinderella Kitty vacuums and mops the floors. He rolls around on the damp ground just for good measure. As the day is nearing a close, Cinderella Kitty makes a few final checks around the house. He needs to make sure that everything is clean and in order for the next day. He knows his family does not like it when things are out of place.

Cinderella Kitty inspects the house at the end of the day.

The day is finally over for Cinderella Kitty. With everything in its rightful place and his family tucked into their beds, Cinderella Kitty can finally rest. He first takes a quick bath. It is very relaxing after all of the work he has done today.

Cinderella Kitty relaxes with a bath.

Clean and tired, Cinderella Kitty climbs up to his small room and curls up for sleep. He knows he must sleep well, for tomorrow will only bring more work for him.

Cinderella Kitty curls up for sleep.

Good night, Cinderella Kitty.



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